One citizen's take on the Dick that makes Chicago tick.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


If you thought Mayor Daley was leading Chicago to become the greenest city EVER, you may want to check this out: Got Asthma? Thank Mayor Daley.
On the south side of Chicago, there exist two toxic sites that some Chicago citizens are not even aware of. The Fisk and Crawford coal plants are, according to Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization (PERRO), "the two largest sources of particulate-forming air pollution in Chicago."

The coal is mined in Wyoming and sold to a community in Pennsylvania. Of all the energy produced in this coal plant, none of it stays in the community or the city that is directly and negatively affected by its toxic outputs. Additionally, the workers in the coal plant are not from Pilsen or Little Village. These coal plants, like many other toxic sites and food deserts, "hide" themselves by existing in low-income neighborhoods. In terms of serving local needs, these coal plants are a disaster.


Mayor Daley has the power to close the coal plants, and until this point has been completely unresponsive to community efforts to close them.

That Mayor Daley, what a leader.

For more information on some Chicago citizens' fight against these coal plants, check out the Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization (PERRO).

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