One citizen's take on the Dick that makes Chicago tick.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


According to a report by the government watchdog group Good Jobs First, Illinois ranks last (with a score of ZERO) among all states when it comes to transparency in implementing the Federal Government's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("ARRA").
The Good Jobs First study examines the quality and quantity of disclosure by official state websites on the many ways ARRA funding is flowing through state governments to communities, organizations and individuals. Looking at both spending programs and individual projects, it evaluates the general ARRA websites that all states have created as well as their website reporting specifically on ARRA highway projects. Based on ten different criteria, each state (and the District of Columbia) is graded twice on a scale of 0 to 100.
Another fine moment for the fine state of Illinois.

1 comment:

  1. I love US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald...It's about the only good thing former Senator Fitzgerald did in his one term in office....To appoint an outsider as US Attorney to investigate our corrupt government here.
