One citizen's take on the Dick that makes Chicago tick.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


First, Daley promised no taxpayer money would be spent on the Olympics. Then, the mayor and City Council guaranteed $500 million of OUR money to cover any shortfalls in paying for the Olympics. Our governor and state legislature soon followed with a $250 million promise. And then, of course, unspecified amounts of our property tax dollars/TIF money will be spent on the Olympic Village at Michael Reese Hospital...But that's not taxpayer money, it's Mayor Daley's money!

And now, Daley has again proven to be a liar, as we will now be on the hook for the full cost of the games. The Tribune reports:

The city and the bid had sent the International Olympic Committee a letter noting the city may have legal issues agreeing to some of the guarantees required in the standard contract, which requires the host city to take full financial responsibility for the Games. The IOC later replied that it expected everyone to sign the standard contract.

"We are going to sign it as is," Daley said after Chicago's presentation to the IOC this morning at the organization's headquarters in Switzerland. The city's speakers delivered that message to the members during the presentation.

And anyone who thinks that Chicago's Olympics will come in on budget needs only look at other over-budget projects the city has managed - Millennium Park, Block 37 - or to the significant cost overruns other Olympic host cities have run into - London, Vancouver.

I suggest checking out the No Games Chicago website for more information on this Olympic nonsense.

Also, check out another wonderful John Kass entry about the Olympics. Here's a highlight:
"We want the [IOC] members to walk away with a better understanding of Chicago and the team they would be working with for a Chicago Olympics," Doug Arnot, a Chicago 2016 official, was quoted as saying.

But do you really think you're going to get answers from the suits of the Chicago 2016 Committee? Of course not. You know better.

That's why we've put together a blue-ribbon panel of Chicago experts, including corrupt politicians, an Outfit boss, an indicted alderman, a mayoral nephew under federal investigation and others not accused of any crime, but who know how Chicago works, like a mayoral brother.

It's not Chicago 2016. It's The Chicago Way 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Hey why don't you ever post the Daley video with the orange prison jump suit. on you tube

    Chuckfirst on youtube
